- "Had your dinner?" or "Had your lunch?" I have decided this is the equivalent of our "Hot out there, huh?" small talk in Texas. Could be an awkward silence in the lift, beginning of a meeting, anything. For a while I answered honestly, which seemed to confuse the person asking me. I now say, "Yes, thanks. And you?"
- "You're from?" I am entirely too honest and always say, "US. Texas." But one day I would like to be more clever and say something entirely confusing like, "Kenya." or "Mumbai." But this would be more amusing for me than the person asking, and the conversation would end quickly and in confusion, so I probably wouldn't get everything out of it that I am expecting.
- "How do you find Chennai?" Well, right now, the standard answer is, "It's too hot." But really, it's getting better. It's not that it was bad before, it's just that I wasn't acclimated. And not comfortable. We are getting there. I still don't enjoy power cuts and incessant honking and being stared at, but these things don't drive me absolutely crazy anymore.
- "You're here with?" I've mentioned before how it's just easier to say my "husband" is back working in the US and I am here with my daughter. The culture doesn't understand or appreciate single moms and it's too complicated to explain to people outside my "circle" (read friends/co-workers) that I am divorced and raising my daughter alone here. With Dynamo, of course.
- "What's his breed?" "Does he bite?" "Can I touch him?" Yes, all about Dynamo. He's still quite the hit around here. Well, people either love him and are extremely curious or they are terrified and turn around and, sometimes, jump out of the way when he is coming their way. You know, because he is soooooo vicious looking...
- "Straight to house?" From the driver that drops me in the mornings. "Yes, thank you." And then as we approach my drop, "Time tomorrow?" Insert my "3, 4 or 5," reply here, depending. Never varies.
I am sure there is more repetition I could share but I am getting sleepy, so it's about time wrap this up with an update of what is going on. Savannah has completed the 10th grade this week, topping her year off with a perfect score of 100 on her Geometry final exam. I am very proud of her. Saturday I am going to her school and will discuss firming up her schedule which (if we can proceed as previously discussed) will allow her to move directly to her senior year so she can graduate from here by this time next year. Pretty exciting stuff. Earlier in the day she will spend time at the Home of Hope boys' home and teach the boys some more English. She's super excited about this opportunity and I am super excited about the joy she emits when she talks about it. We will spend this Easter Sunday at our Word of Life church, and I am going to try and find Easter dinner somewhere. I have a hunch we won't be enjoying any ham, but I'll see what I can find. I haven't seen any Easter eggs or bunnies, so the commercialism we have in the US hasn't made its way over here yet. The airline tickets have been purchased, the Singapore portion booked, and almost done with Malaysia for our May trip with Mom, Dad and Michael. I am going to be in countdown mode for their arrival pretty soon. Can't wait to see, hug and spend some time with all of them!
That's about all that is going on here. Still shamelessly ask for your prayers for us missing the family and friends and sending you all wishes for a very happy Easter. Take some time and read or watch the Easter Story in the Bible or even on YouTube. I have tried to insert the link here, but I am in India and the internet is going too slow. I have been trying for a while and I give up. Search the Easter Story on YouTube and it comes right up. Also, search Home of Hope, India and Word of Life Chennai on Facebook if you're interested in details on the orphanage or the church we are attending. I will try to put links up another time. Love and hugs!
Vicious Dynamo |
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