Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

Sending great big Easter wishes to all our family and friends around the world!  We are so thankful that God sent His Son to live for us, teach us perfect love, die for our sins, and then rise from the dead.  We anxiously wait on the day He will return.  In Houston, we would usually celebrate this special day with a morning service at church, dying Easter eggs with my girls (Savannah, Kameryn and maybe Kate), cooking a nice ham dinner with Mom and everyone coming over to my house... Dad, Michael, maybe Haley, Lisa & Brett, maybe my cousins and aunt.  It would be a fun day of family, laughs and too much food.  This year we did Easter Chennai-style.  We started out for a late lunch at the Taj Connemara.  There was no ham, but they had plenty of other goodies to fill us up.  My poor daughter didn't love it, but I did.  The hotel is luxurious and the spread was lavish.  We were inside enjoying the AC, but the bay windows overlooked the beautiful pool area.  After lunch we went to church service at Word of Life and enjoyed a great sermon preached by Pastor Raju (of the Nepali WoL church) and Pastor Shawn.  After church, since Savannah didn't love lunch, she convinced me she needed ice cream from this great place our friend introduced us to.  After ice cream we made it home and watched, Pitch Perfect.  Savannah thinks this is the best movie ever and she was super excited I would watch it with her.  I don't watch many movies and usually fall asleep when I do, so........  It was cute and I stayed awake the whole time.  She has since gone to bed and I cleaned up a little bit, did some laundry and now relaxing a bit.
Yesterday Savannah was planned to go to the boys' orphanage, the Home of Hope, but there were schedule conflicts again, so she WILL go next Saturday.  She is really looking forward to the opportunity to get to know the boys better and help them master the English language.  I am excited for her, proud of her, and looking forward to see where this takes us both. 
I have learned that God's plan unfolds day by day, right in front of our eyes and sometimes we are too busy looking to the future and don't even realize it.  The past nine months has taught me more than I ever would have thought possible in such a short time frame.  I am amazed every day, although often frustrated due to inconveniences like power cuts, Indian red tape, affirmative agreements that are not fulfilled until much longer than expected, and constant honking on car rides.  I have chosen to look past the inconveniences of daily life here like never before and to cherish the lessons God is giving us.  I have learned to watch for His signs and listen for His will.  It's been an unexpected but welcome path on this journey He's brought us on.  Every day I am thankful.
Well, that went a different direction than I expected.  Hope I didn't bore you too much.  For your entertainment, here are some recent pictures (or snaps, as my Indian friends call them).
Someone got new "specs"!

Heading out for our Easter lunch

Look how fancy our car drapes are.  They are a driver Murgesan Special. Don't hate.  :)

Savannah's purse, delivered by the Easter Bunny

HOT CROSS BUNS!  I love this!

That's a big coconutty egg!

Happy EastOr!  LOL Since I am kind of a spelling Nazi I have lots of fun here...

Cute little chocolate egg pies.  They had an M&M inside. Score!

Her Belgium waffle with Swiss chocolate ice cream.  She's a worldly little eater.

Entirely too excited for movie time with Mom.

Savannah with our pastors' hopeful adoptee.  She's in love.

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