Friday, September 13, 2013

Where did August Go?

Is it REALLY mid-September?  As difficult as it is to believe, I can't deny the fact it must be,  because rainy season in Chennai has begun.  The nights have included heavy rains, thunder and lightning, and since the city is not rain-friendly, there has been quite a bit of flooding.  Actually, this week the local schools were closed due to the rains.  All the universities, as well.  All except Savannah's.  Poor thing. So mistreated.  I don't feel so bad for her since school is less than five minutes away, but I know some of the other students do travel quite a ways, so I am sure they would have appreciated it being closed.  
The week started off a bit rough, as Lakshmi messaged me on Monday, saying her daughter was at the hospital having a Cesarean. I would have been excited for her, except this was the first I had heard about it and needed to make plans for my kiddo... I worked from home Monday.  Then Tuesday and Wednesday Savannah wound up at Cherie & Tom's.  Tonight she went to Paula & the other Tom's...  Tomorrow she will go hang with Sher & Shawn.  I am really thankful we have such great folks here to help out when things don't go as smoothly as planned around here - which is A LOT lately.  
I had to make another trip back to Houston only 10 days after we returned from the one I wrote about last time.  Fortunately, we do have this great network of friends (AKA Local family), because Savannah had already missed so much school that I really needed her here.  So I left her with Cherie & Tom during the week and Sheralyn & Shawn on the weekends. I had to get back on a plane - well 4 planes (Chennai to Mumbai, Mumbai to Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi to Chicago, Chicago to Houston - OMIGOSH it was exhausting!!) because, this time, my mom's side of the family suffered from a death.  It was unexpected and it was difficult.  I had to get home to help Mom and be there for her.  I am thankful I was so comfortable that I could leave my girl and go to another continent for a week and a half and not worry about her any more than I would if I was here locally.  What would we do without such great friends here?
So... really nothing much else going on here.  Our travel plans here locally are nixed at the moment due to all this other unplanned travel.  I am trying to get to Kerala to visit a couple friends who left Maersk and are back home with their families until they travel abroad.  We are wanting to go to Delhi, Agra (to see the Taj Mahal) and Jaipur.  We need a trip to Ooty, a "hill station" with cooler weather and some mountains.  Lots to see and do, not enough time to do it!
Until we get a chance to go somewhere else, we'll hang out and try to enjoy the cooler and much wetter rainy season. 
Hoping everyone is having a good September as we race toward the end of the year.  Won't be long and I'll be seeing everyone's Halloween costumes on Facebook!  Love and hugs from Chennai!

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