So much to be thankful for, including my lovely daughter. |
Last week I told you we were thankful for so much, and at the same time, hopeful that our Thanksgiving dinner would turn out well. I am pleased to advise we had a terrific dinner, complete with turkey, dressing, stuffing, and almost all the appetizers and sides we might have back in the US. We went to the Taj Connemara hotel and I cannot say enough great things about it. The service was fabulous, the spread was a mile long, and the food was - dare I say it? - good! Now, it wasn't real stuffing or dressing - maybe next year I'll send them a recipe before we go (Mom, gonna need your dressing recipe! LP, I know you can send for the stuffing!) - but the turkey was roasted, the gravy was decent, there were mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, finger foods, desserts... even pumpkin pie (OK, not Mom's by any stretch of the imagination, but it looked pretty!) My colleague and our friend, Tom, joined us and we had the buffet with cocktails while Savannah drank some fresh iced tea, which is quite uncommon around here. Tom enjoyed some Kingfishers and I enjoyed some Australian Chardonnay. We actually enjoyed quite a lot of each, and Savannah's iced tea wasn't strong enough to endure our laughter and bubbly humor. Oh, well! We had a driver and that is certainly one benefit to being in India on Thanksgiving - you can drink and don't have to worry about who's driving! If you're interested, you can find all the photos from our night out here, sans Tom. He was not nearly as camera happy as my daughter and me, trying to capture the essence of an Indian Thanksgiving.
Friday I woke up and, after downing some Tylenol and lots of water, got ready for some Black Friday shopping, Indian-style. Well, really, Gideon was taking me to a couple boarding options for our little Dynamo, since our trip is quickly approaching. The first place was on the other side of Chennai and after a couple cups of coffee I was ready for it. Until we got out of the car and I saw it. It was awful. Just heart-breaking. First, it was filthy, but that is pretty standard around these parts. But, second, there were two dogs in the entry that were on beds and had recently had some sort of surgery or procedure, one of which was seemingly only a few shallow breaths away from meeting his doggy-maker. In typical Nikki fashion, I started crying. My heart was just so sad for these pups, and the sweet vet that wanted to take good care of them, but so clearly failing with the facility. I am pretty sure Gideon is used to me crying by now, and he saw it start and told the help thanks for his time and rushed me to the car. "Don't worry, Nikki. We will find somewhere for Dynamo." Gideon's so sweet. But he didn't understand that, OK, yes, I was worried about finding a place for Dy, but also just so sad for those dogs there and how sub-standard the care is and the whole overwhelming experience. Plus I might have had a little wine left in my system and the tears were pushing it out. When we left that place, Gideon had one errand to run and there was a mall nearby, so I had him drop me so I could grab a bite to eat and look around - just can 't get Black Friday shopping out of my blood, I guess! I had my first McDonald's meal here - not that I ever ate it at home - but it was cute. Chicken burger, fries and a coke. Yummy. (Keep in mind, everything's relative in India.) After browsing a bit, Gideon was back and it was time for doggy stop number two. This place was better. Not great. But better. Livable and Dy might actually have a playmate. But the playmate thing scared me, wondering about disease and all that good stuff, so I didn't WANT to leave him there, but if I had to, it was OK. Gideon felt my apprehension and told me we would keep looking for options and not to stress over it. "Dynamo will be fine, Nikki. We'll take care of him." A few hours after I was home, Gideon called and told me he had good news for "Dynamo's holiday" - Lakshmi (the lady that stays with Savannah overnights) would take him home with her while we are gone. For the entire three weeks! This was a big relief, because Dy loves her. (Pretty sure she feeds him no-no foods...) And she is very sweet with him, always greeting him, petting him, and making sure his food and water bowls are full. Problem solved, as usual, thanks to Gideon!
Savannah's plate has been full with projects... lots and lots of projects. She has never had so many projects in her entire K-9 years of school in the US as she's already had here in 4.5 months. OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it sure feels that way. EVERY TIME we turn around, there's another project due. My GOD! Anyway, the past few weekends she has been working on them and the most recent weekend was no exception. We had planned to do some shopping on Saturday but were inhibited by her projects... But we did have the opportunity to meet up with some new friends, Courtney and Neil. Neil works for a company that helps expats - called Global Adjustments - settle to India. Maersk uses this service so that is how I knew about the organization. I read their magazine and have learned lots of good, helpful info through this team. We went to their home for an "American" evening of hanging out, eating pizza (Domino's!), baking (yes, she has an OVEN!!) and decorating Christmas cookies. Well, she baked, and we all decorated together. Savannah's and Courtney's were really cute. Mine looked like my niece Kameryn had done them. I proved, once again, that have no artistic or crafty abilities at all, regardless of which continent I live on.
Here is a plate of the finished products. Don't look too closely or you might find my pitiful attempts. |
I did not go to work tonight... unfortunately, Lakshmi is sick with a fever so she stayed home, which meant I did, too. We took the opportunity to run to the store (this is always an event) and get more stuff for - what else - another project for Savannah. When we arrived to the store, we saw them putting out Christmas trees. CHRISTMAS TREES! How exciting! We couldn't get out of the car fast enough to go check them out... and the shop owner was pretty excited to see us, too, telling us to go see the first floor, where they just got all their shipment in. Ornaments, decorations, baby Christmas trees, tinsel and lots of other Christmas stuff that I would normally snub my nose at. But! Everything's relative in India, so I bought a bunch and set up a tree tonight! Savannah got a little tree, maybe six inches and some tiny decorations for it. The one I picked for our entryway is about two and a half feet tall, I guess, and topped with a Texas flag. Feels like home. Well, kind of, anyway. Close enough for two weeks :) We also bought some lights and decorated our balcony. It's fun and getting us into the spirit for our trip home. If you can't tell, we are little excited... so two weeks from now we will be a few hours into our first flight, heading to Frankfurt. Then a couple hour layover and heading to H-town. Three weeks with our friends and family - lots to celebrate, catch up on, and nieces to spoil!! CAN NOT WAIT! On that note, I'll sign off. Lots more to talk about sometime soon. Things to think about - Love marriages and arranged marriages, wedding celebrations and traditions, and some expectations of Indian wives. More another time.
Hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and will write more later. For now, sending lots of love and hugs from our Christmas'd up home in Chennai.
Merry Christmas, Texas style! |