Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Various Pics from our Time Here

Here is a VERY random collection of photos from my phone during our time here.  Enjoy!  - Um, yeah, I have spent half an hour trying to get these in order.  Sorry, no order for you, read the captions.  LOL

View down the street to our left as you exit the apartment complex.
Cows Dynamo wants to play with. They live across our street.
View to the right out of our complex.
Typical "shopping center" down the OMR in Chennai

Dy hates the lift.  Always wants out, stands with nose to the door, all the time.

"Shopping Center" in Kamchipuram where we registered for FRRO.

View of generator area from my balcony.  Oh, and the pool LOL

Mahabalipuram beach ride
Mahabalipuram beach "rides"
Mahabalipuram beach

Some goats eating the flowers off the bus at Mahabalipuram
Sav showing off her buys at the beach
Beautiful sunset over our complex
View directly in front of our balcony
View from balcony at Dy's level LOL
Grounds at our complex

Sav at the "photography studio" for our FRRO pics

Official Indian school schedule
Cop outside the Kanchipuram police station
Savannah and Ila outside our fave western restaurant
Sav & de-alcoholized beer (WHY!!!??) at the beach

More beach

Temples at Mahabalipuram beach behind the kiddo

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the pictures. You are the last person I would expect to be in that mess. The complex looks nice.
