Thursday, October 18, 2012


First thing I need to send a quick THANK YOU to Maggie & Harish for carrying back some wonderful gifts and deliveries from some H-town loves, including some PINK MOSCATO wine for me (yippee!!), a blingy backpack for Savannah, some chicken fixin's, some pinto beans (who would have thought it would be so hard to get dried beans??!!), some nail polish, remover and cotton balls & shirts for the kiddo and an all-American toy for Dynamo.  I am forgetting about the melatonin (someone needs some sleep), cough drops and some other goodies, I am sure.  And big love and thanks to all you wonderful ladies who filled up the bag for us - Brandy shopping for the backpack & goodies for me!!, Rhonda running around & shopping for food stuff, packing and repacking to make it all fit, Mom for sending the shirts, nail polish, and Jennifer for sending Dynamo's favorite new toy and me some WINE!  It's like Christmas over here!

Hole in sidewalk

Tonight on the way to work I looked to my left and saw a young man offer his hand to his lady friend to cross a big hole in the sidewalk.  I found this especially sweet because there is not a lot of chivalry here.  That is something I miss from home... all my sweet southern boys and men opening doors for us and the "Yes, ma'ams" and "Thank you, ma'ams" that I grew up listening to.  I don't know if you can make the hole out in the picture or not, but it was pretty big.  Just a sweet gesture that got me thinking about the special men in my life.  Missing my daddy and getting me all teary-eyed on the way to work.  Just what my mascara didn't need.  But it was too late, the thoughts started and I just kept reminding myself he will be here in 5 days!  I never talked to my dad on the phone at home, and he doesn't do e mail or texting, so our conversations consist of pass-through messages through Mom or our one-time Skype date with the entire family a few weeks ago.  I need to start calling him.  I will.  I miss my sweet, southern gentleman daddy.
Now for some funnies:
There is a French lady expat in our office now.  She is a tall blonde named  Andee or Aimee, I haven't officially met her yet.  Last night a guard brought check for me to redo.  But it was actually for her.  And the night before last I was waiting on a form but never got it.  Gideon said the guard tried to deliver it to the other white lady.  I  guess all white people look alike...  

One of the girls on the team was IM'ing with another colleague last week when I was at her desk and she typed "amma" a couple times.  I asked her what that means and she told me it's like "yeah or OK" so I started saying it to her.  She got a big kick out of it and asked me on Monday if I learned anymore Tamil over the weekend.  I think I must be a cheap form of entertainment with my thick "American" accent and loud laugh.  Oh, speaking of loud laugh... Harish just got back from a two week trip to the US and got to enjoy some discussions around the presidential election.  He told me one of the debates included someone saying, "The economy isn't that bad, I mean it's not like people are washing their clothes in the river."  I proceeded to spit a big drink I had just taken of my water out ALL OVER my desk and laptop because that totally happens here.  And it was funny to see the look on his face when he told the story. 

This week I finally started going to gym at the complex. All the guards were excited to turn on the music when I went in.  Loudly.  It's hard to turn my iPod music louder, but I do it.  And they all smile really big when I come in or out.  

My daughter's scores in Tamil are higher than English. What is wrong with this picture?

I have 4 Airtel accounts...  2 mobile phones, digital tv, home phone linked with internet.  They are all individual and I can't seem to pay them without getting a disconnect phone call that I can't understand or an SMS message sending me to the website where I can't log in.  it's like AT&T, except with a thicker Indian accent.

Here is an example of my colleagues who can't understand my American accent - whether it is typed or spoken:

 Sweet Indian Colleague 1:15 AM
i didnt get u Nikki
im sorry
Grant, Nikki 1:16 AM
LOL sorry, i am speaking american
photo.JPG photo.JPG
Savannah waiting at the veggie stand at our complex that I send her to almost daily
And I just thought I'd add a couple pictures to show the veg stand that is on our complex and I force my child to go get us fresh tomatoes and cucumbers all the time.  Doesn't she look thrilled?  :)

After my last post about being here for three months, I got really sad and had a rough couple of days.  Not sure why, it just happened.  So I had to keep myself busy all weekend.  Luckily, the container unpacking was on the agenda and I got it ALMOST all done and organized.  I am still waiting on someone to come help fix the wardrobe door in the extra bedroom that fell off so we can put the computer desk in there, but other than that... all set.  I did decide a couple boxes (hopefully!!) are in storage that were intended for ocean.  Those included a few wall art and decor items, so my walls are still boring. Boo.  And all my DVDs and CDs, many of which were just purchased and still in the packaging just for this trip.  Double boo.  So I am hoping they are safely in storage and we will unpack them in a couple years.  In the meantime, I guess I will go shopping and see what I can find to decorate from here.  Not money I wanted to spend, but decorating is always fun, so I guess I will force myself.  Probably with Mom next week.  (Can you tell I am a little excited about them coming? I can hardly wait!)

I guess that's about the gist of what is going on here, nothing too exciting.  Hope everyone is doing well and very much appreciate your prayers and thoughts.  Can't tell you enough how much they mean to us and help get us through those rough days.  Love and hugs from Chennai!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you are enjoying your time with your parents! Holla when you are in town! - Keitha
