Thursday, July 7, 2016

2 years ago we flew home...

Apparently the first week of July is a monumental one for me, according to FB history, anyway. Lots of emotions through the years... 6 & 7 years ago I was missing my baby girl when she visited her dad... Another time she went to Ohio to visit big Savannah.  4 years ago I was packing up my house into storage and prepping for a journey overseas. 3 years ago we were nicely settled in Chennai with a great church family and doing voice recordings for a film. I was enjoying work and our Indian life. The normalcy of chaos, structure of the night shift, and dependability of the Indian Stretchable Time. I learned patience, tolerance, and love, among other great life lessons. I learned to miss and appreciate my family, friends & home country. Then 2 years ago I packed it all up and headed back to Texas. Dynamo flew in his little bag and Savannah returned to a new norm. Not a norm I like or appreciate, but at 19 I don't have much say in that.  There are emotional roller coasters in early July for me annually, it seems. Last year we started talking about buying a new home and this year I reflect in the home we decided on. There is much I miss from India. 2 years immersed in a very different culture gave me a love for spicy ftoods, sarees, elephants and bright colors. I miss my time with Sav but appreciate being home with Michael, close to my parents, and having the ability to keep my nieces for a night (and drop them right back off! Haha) Seeing the history of days documented by life in social media provides smiles, tears and "oh, yeahs!" While I'm a true believer that it's more important to stay focused on today and the future, I also know we should learn from the past to help avoid repeating mistakes and remind us how strong we can be, no matter what life throws our way. I'm missing India today. I'm missing Savannah today. I'm thankful our little doggy is well-traveled and we have a novelty story (or 20!) to go with him and his time with us in India. I'm thankful I still work with some of the best Indian friends a crazy American girl could ask for, and I'm just as thankful that those same friends enjoy working with me. I know ill get back to India soon. Not soon enough, and not for long enough, but soon. I'll eat biryani, Moti, visit Home church and hug some of my favorite people on this planet. But for now, I'll go hug my husband and eat some Tex-Mex, because that's not a half bad day on this side of the world... 

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