guess it’s been a while since I have done a proper update, so I’ll TRY
really hard to make this short, but you know how that goes…
of you saw my post on FB the other day asking for prayers with
Savannah’s school situation, and there were several people asking what
is going
on. So I’ll lay it out for ya and really appreciate the continued
prayers for quick (yeah, right- not in India… but a girl can dream!)
resolution for this. Before we came, I had done some research for
American schools in Chennai and came up with only a handful.
I broadened the search to International schools and had a few more
choices. Upon arrival, we took some tours with Saint Gideon and settled
on Gateway American International School, based on a couple things, but
the biggest reason being that she would be able
to combine 11th and 12th grades to graduate this
year. Unfortunately, it has recently come to light that this might not
happen… I am in pretty deep discussions with the principal and the
school in Florida through which they have their
US accreditation to determine how we can make this happen, as promised
when she enrolled, but (as with everything in India) it’s slow and
tedious and filled with ME taking the initiative, starting the
conversations, doing the research and coming back to the
school. Poor Savannah is stressing over it. I keep reminding her God
brought us here for a reason. He will not fail us as we have not failed
Him. I am confident she will graduate this year, but in the meantime I
am playing school administrator along with
all my other roles. The next role I am going to play is Mean American
Mom, which is probably when some progress will be made by the school
side. Savannah said they are already scared of me because I ask
questions, include Savannah in discussions and actively
participate in the teacher conferences. I can’t imagine it being any
other way, but apparently that is not typical Indian parent behavior, as
teachers and school administrators are not challenged. Go figure.
few weekends ago we went to our church’s conference, Word of Life -
Friendships for Life. This was the first church retreat I have been on
I was a teenager, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. And I came right
after work and was on “night schedule” because it was the weekend right
after I got back from the second trip to the US, so I didn’t want to
miss more work. Needless to say, I was zombified
most of Saturday. But Sunday
I was awake and really enjoyed the experience. I was blessed to meet
some amazing people, including a fabulously inspiring missionary who is
currently living in Istanbul, Turkey and sharing the Word and Christ’s
love. She has
been a missionary in Asia for 25 years and she speaks Russian and some
Chinese dialect. AMAZING! It was a nice time. But the best part was
seeing my kiddo, who was a leader for the kids’ church. She wrote the
lessons, assigned helpers based on age groups
and languages (did I mention we had Nepali, Tamil, Hindi AND English
speakers there??), prayed over, played with and taught all these
different cultures. She texted me Friday night telling me she was having a hard time due to language barriers, but she survived
and even stayed up late at the group bonfire to do some dancing with the Nepali crew. Saturday she was among a group of adults who took the kids to the nearby
amusement park during the heat of the day, joined as a spectator as we watched 12 people give their lives to Christ through
baptism, and enjoyed the bonfire and dancing again (while I slept!). Sunday
was long and she was spent. In the last hour or so, the power went out
(imagine that!) and she used her mobile phone as a flashlight. One of
the kids reached for her, or she reached
for them, and the phone dropped… screen cracked. After the stress of
working with the kids all weekend, she was in tears when she was
explaining what happened. (This is a new phone, mind you, and she seems
to be i-gadget cursed as her cousin dropped her
iPod and cracked it in December when we were home. Her brother sent her
a new-used-iPhone that died a month later. We traded it in and paid for
a replacement and this was it… cracked within a month of having it!)
After a good night’s sleep, she woke up refreshed
and I reiterated to her that we would handle her phone. I’d either
replace the screen here or when we go back to the US and it still works,
so it’s really ok. She was more accepting that Monday than she was Sunday
night. I can’t explain the immense pride
I felt for her and the effort and grace she put forth and eluded when
working with the kids that weekend. My heart still swells when parents I
have not met or spoken to much approach me to tell me what a great job
she did and how much her kids love her.
I have seen more kids come up to her after that weekend than ever
before, running by to give her a hug or a high-five, making sure to say
“Hi, Savannah!” or a quick hug and “Bye, Savannah!” as they come and
go. She really has a God-given gift with kids and
it is wonderful to see her putting it into action, even when it’s hard
and it stretches her. Was she prepared to lead such a high number of
kids? Many of which didn’t speak English? HECK NO! But did she let it
overwhelm her to the point of giving up?
Absolutely not! Did she complain when she missed a worship session of
singing and dancing because she was “stuck with the kids again” ? Not
my girl. Pastor Shawn talked about her hard work and great job in our
sermon last week and reminded us that all of Jesus’ disciples were
under 20 years old. Wow. 1 Peter 4:10 tells us,
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
I am so very proud of her for letting God work through her, grow her, and lead her how and where He sees fit.
what else is going on? I am trying to hastily firm up plans for a
“Golden Triangle” tour next month when Savannah has a few days off
This will include a couple days in Delhi, Agra (to see the Taj Mahal!)
and the pink city, Jaipur. We are super excited and need to get that
wrapped up. Before we know it, we will be home in late December and
starting out 2014. Where has the time gone?
I think I say that every time I write. I do have a few things I want
to chat about, but I guess I’ll save that for another time. Among the
topics are marriages, dresses and appearances, chicken pox, pregnancies and babies, and travel.
We hope everyone is doing well and appreciate
your loving thoughts and prayers! Hugs from Chennai!