To whine or not to whine? That is the question. I could very easily whine about what a crappy week this has been. Obviously, I feel like it’s whine-worthy. But then I ask myself what benefit will this bring? I can whine about a few different things… India. Work. My poor kiddo. Her school. Her principal. Our hot water heater. Family back in the US. But will whining actually do anything? Will it even make me feel better or will I just have verbalized (or written) some negativity and put it out there to the world? I am reluctant to say I will not whine. Because, by nature, I am a whiner. Most of my closest friends and even some of my not-so-closest friends know this about me. If I am too cold, too hot, too tired, too hungry, too full, too caffeinated, under caffeinated, too broke, too alone, too crowded, too ANYTHING, and you are around, you will probably hear about it. Since my time in India, I have worked hard at reigning in my whininess. It’s hard to understand until you put it into practice, but using the gratitude method (being very thankful for everything you DO have or CAN have instead of what you do not or cannot) makes a HUGE difference in your mindset and those people who are lucky enough to come into contact with you. I wonder if my friends from Word of Life realize how whiney I am? Or have I done a good job on this mission while living here and kept it “under wraps?” And that doesn’t mean I don’t feel too this or too that. It doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated and just fake the emotion of NOT feeling whatever whiney way it is at that moment. It simply means I choose to think about it from a different perspective. Example – It’s hot here this week. Like high 80’s and humid-sun-blaring-sweating-
We got some great news this week – Savannah CAN graduate this year. She will need to meet the credit requirements and pass a 12th grade standard achievement test with at least a 50% score. No problems there. There was a problem of having that test administered. I was able to contact a company who provides these tests in the US and found out I can actually administer it to her myself! Praise God! Tick that off the list – now to prep her for the test and keep her focus on completing her studies. Light at the end of a multiple-month battle tunnel!
Hmm what else? I posted all of ourLondon and trip home pics on Picasa. There are entirely too many and I am sure they will bore you to tears, but if you haven’t seen London, at least flip through and see what you are missing out on. Then plan a trip. It’s amazing. And, of course, our family time at home was fun so there is some good stuff in that album. It took a while, because, HEY, I live in India and the internet is a heck of a lot slower than that in the US. Why didn’t I post them there? Good question. I guess because I am a ding a ling. Oh, well.
We did plan our trip to Thailand – looking forward to the first week of April when Savannah and I will meet Mom, Dad and Michael in Bangkok. Airfare bought and tour/hotel plans in the works. I am really excited and looking forward to it! We are still hoping to squeeze in a trip to Kerala, “God’s own country,” but that’s gonna be a big dent in the wallet and fitting it in before their rainy season is looking doubtful. But I am trying!! We would love a weekend in Mumbai, too, but (again) that costs rupees that just aren’t there. If anyone wants to pay off my student loans for me I can do all this travelin’ fun. Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, darn it, that’s what I thought. Haha
So… yeah, I guess that’s about it for us. Of course I will ask for you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, especially for comfort and peace for Savannah’s heart. In the meantime, we send our love and hugs across the ocean and around the world to you, our wonderful friends and family. Happy wishes for a great weekend and try to remember how blessed you are, instead of how much you lack if that happens to pop into your head. It works!!