It's been a rough couple weeks over here in Chennai on the mom-front. Between the school and the sickness issues, I am not feeling like much of a success these days. You'd think after 18 plus years and the guiding role of a mom, I might have this down by now. Unfortunately, or fortunately, arguing with a school (or two, on two different continents) and dealing with a recurring illness haven't made it into my repertoire. Until now.
I have called and e mailed the Florida school at least a dozen times in the past two months. We are at a stale mate with the Indian school, waiting on Florida's feedback and confirmation regarding Savannah’s graduation path and possibilities. They haven't returned phone calls (it goes straight to voice mail...) and only one acknowledgement in two weeks, but no real answers or feedback, doesn't help us out. My mom has offered to fly to Tampa and go there in person if necessary. Why in the world would this be necessary? It is so completely frustrating. We are a week into November and I do not know if my child will graduate in six months as she should.
On top of it, poor Savannah can't shake her most recent bout with whatever the heck is attacking her immune system. I have given her Tylenol, Advil, the Indian equivalent of both of those fever reducers and pain relievers, along with other medicines for nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, along with force feeding her toast and making her drink clear liquids, much to her dismay, at least a dozen times since we’ve been here. She has been sick with this same type of problem at least once a month, and sometimes more, since we’ve arrived in India. I have decided there are plusses and minuses to having the World Wide Web at my fingertips… Google is great when I need to find out who sang that song that’s been stuck in my head all day or prove Savannah wrong about the insane lyrics she is singing at a moment's notice. It also helps when I need to find the ingredients of a recipe that I can want to know if the ingredients are available locally or not... Or search the next holiday spot when I have had enough and just want to get away (hellloooo, like now!) But Google is NOT great when someone is sick. Google gives entirely too much information and the symptoms always lead to the worst possible diagnosis. And yet, I still use it. Here in India, there are quite a few worst case diagnoses… one being Dengue Fever. Another being Malaria. These are the two that hop in my mind every time Savannah is sick and where the Googler leads me to with her symptoms. Every. Single. Time. It’s maddening. And yet I continue to search. Sigh. So last week she was sick with a pretty high fever for her norm, breaking 101 F / 38 C. And she was vomiting. So I was convinced she had Dengue Fever. Her joints and muscles didn’t ache any of the 25 times I asked her, but she probably just didn’t know what I meant (per Dr. Nikki, Google School of Medicine class of 2014). The next day I took her to the doctor, ready for him to admit her and treat the Dengue. Contrary to my Google search results, the doctor said she's just fighting a virus and to give her some juices for energy and have her rest up. Another day or two passed, Friday evening resulted in her fever breaking and she was feeling better Saturday and Sunday. Fast forward to Sunday night, less than an hour after we got home she was sick again. And now we are breaking dawn Thursday morning and she's still sick. I took her back to the doctor Tuesday and he sent us for some lab work Wednesday. Savannah was so stressed and anxious about having her blood drawn, so I enlisted some help from the girls at church and we had a friend join us today to help ease her mind. I am a wimp and always pass out when I get my blood drawn, and probably would if I had to be in the same room with Savannah, which she knew, so it was a good idea to have someone else with her. After the lab work, she was perked up a bit and I was thankful. I thought we were turning the corner and we went for lunch and coffee. Mind you this is all in the middle of the day when I would normally be sleeping. We got home and I needed a nap before work and she started feeling puny again. Fever came back. She was resting. Then she started vomiting again. I am really hoping and praying for some definitive results for these tests. Something identified and treatable. I would appreciate your prayers for the same. And I am feeling a bit at the end of my rope, so maybe some prayers for strength, patience, and my own health wouldn't be a bad idea. I am praying for my girl's quick recovery so she is back to her joyful, smiling self. I am praying for the school issues to come to a quick close, and with the outcome being Savannah is a high school graduate by the time we leave Chennai. We appreciate your good vibes, warm thoughts and prayers as we muddle through the not-so-great-times like these. Hugs from Chennai!
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