Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pictures of our new Home!

Welcome! (View as you walk in the front door)
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our container so we can put our personal touch on everything, but here are the much anticipate pictures of our new flat.  Enjoy!
Dynamo already feels at home

Our living area

Looking to the right as you walk in

And looking to the far right as you turn in from the entryway


Fridge and not-quite-set-up-washing machine

Savannah's room, view from the door

Savannah's room

My room, view from the door

My room, view from the balcony door


  1. Perfect! Now you can start to feel at home! Very nice place you found! Dynamo is probably saying...what in the world are these two doing to me! LOL People are scared of me, toss books at me and just act silly about a little dog! When is this gig up? LOL Glad the boy feels at home too!

  2. I love the lines and simplicity. It looks like a home that will bring happy memories for the next two years. Congratulations.

  3. Ahhhhh........ Home Sweet Home! You'll personalize very soon!

  4. Wow. I'm surprised how much space there is! Looks lovely. Love the unique touches in the kitchen! Hopefully this space will help you guys feel a little more cozy & comfy.
