I typed "3 weeks" and started crying. Savannah and I have had a great experience so far, but we sure are missing home. She was sick this weekend, which is not fun anywhere, but maybe a little extra not fun in a hotel room with no comforts of "home" other than your doggy and your mommy. And even those probably aren't very comfortable when the dog was sick, too, and your mom is grumpy about having to clean that up... in a hotel room, nonetheless. In any event, she is feeling better now, but it made her long to be back stateside a little bit, I think. And I have done better with not crying about every little thing anymore. We have been busy, getting acclimated to our new city, our new culture, getting the flat details ironed out, Sav focusing on school and her new friends, me trying to focus on work for the few hours I am in the office each evening and start learning names and faces. It's certainly enough to keep our minds occupied and not thinking about the friends and family we left... but when we sit for a few minutes, and not let our minds be distracted, our hearts hurt a little bit more than we expected. It would really be nice to have a hug from Michael or my dad right about now. I think Savannah could use a talk with Megan and Olivya or hang out by the pool with Clare. It would be fun to go for pizza and bellinis with the girls and my mom at the Grotto to celebrate Mom's birthday tomorrow. And I could just cuddle Kate and Kam for hours on end... but these aren't options for us right now. It's the longest we have been away from our loved ones and it's pretty tough. I know we will be OK. And I am SO thankful for technology such as Viber (download it to your phone if you don't have it - really awesome app for free calls/texts overseas!), Skype, Facebook and even this Blogger site. Even with all the technology available, we still miss you guys and can't wait to start making plans to come home in December. Gives us something to look forward to, that's for sure.
Enough about that! When Savannah was feeling OK on Sunday we went to have dinner with the other NAM expat, Tom, at Gideon's home. He was so gracious and invited us to share a home cooked South Indian meal after taking us to a local church Sunday evening. We met his lovely wife and daughters and enjoyed a nice visit and a nice meal. Poor Gideon has hauled Savannah and me around enough to know that she is NOT looking forward to making Indian food her staple, but he's been patient and kind and working little by little to introduce it to her. She has said several times how she doesn't like spicy so he had his wife prepare the mail with "less spice" and even made two chicken entrees and she made one "very bland" just for Savannah. haha We had beef cutlets, fresh cucumber, roti roomali (almost like a tortilla YUM!) and I don't remember what the chicken dishes were called, but one was green and one was red. I reallllllly liked the green one a lot. Savannah did not enjoy it as much, poor thing, but her friends at school are still making her try something Indian almost every day, so it won't be long and she will find something she likes :) Other than the food, the dinner itself was very interesting. The families eat much later here than in the US. Generally dinner is served between 8:30 and 9, so that is one big difference. And then, the table was set with three settings... just enough for the guests. So we sat to eat, but Tom and I kept asking our hosts to please eat with us. It took several times of us asking, but Gideon made a plate and joined. His wife then made a plate for the youngest daughter, Sharon (she is a wild one, reminds me of Kameryn :)) and we chatted while we ate. But first, they watched our reaction as we tried each of the new foods. If you have seen the movie, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, (I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet!) it was reminiscent to a scene where a guest goes to the home of a staff member and everyone is anxiously awaiting her approval of the food she was presented. It was very sweet and we had a nice time. Pretty neat first for us. We are so thankful to have Gideon as our first point of contact here in Chennai.
And our flat should be ready for move in Friday/Saturday of this week. A few days behind schedule, but probably better so we do not have to pull Savannah out of school for a day and we are still looking for help that can stay overnight with her while I work. Hoping to firm that up pretty quickly. Once we get in, I will post some pics. It's really lovely and the landlord has been very kind working with us and our crazy American ways. We are blessed.
Hugs and love and thanking you for your continued prayers as we miss you all so much!
Enough about that! When Savannah was feeling OK on Sunday we went to have dinner with the other NAM expat, Tom, at Gideon's home. He was so gracious and invited us to share a home cooked South Indian meal after taking us to a local church Sunday evening. We met his lovely wife and daughters and enjoyed a nice visit and a nice meal. Poor Gideon has hauled Savannah and me around enough to know that she is NOT looking forward to making Indian food her staple, but he's been patient and kind and working little by little to introduce it to her. She has said several times how she doesn't like spicy so he had his wife prepare the mail with "less spice" and even made two chicken entrees and she made one "very bland" just for Savannah. haha We had beef cutlets, fresh cucumber, roti roomali (almost like a tortilla YUM!) and I don't remember what the chicken dishes were called, but one was green and one was red. I reallllllly liked the green one a lot. Savannah did not enjoy it as much, poor thing, but her friends at school are still making her try something Indian almost every day, so it won't be long and she will find something she likes :) Other than the food, the dinner itself was very interesting. The families eat much later here than in the US. Generally dinner is served between 8:30 and 9, so that is one big difference. And then, the table was set with three settings... just enough for the guests. So we sat to eat, but Tom and I kept asking our hosts to please eat with us. It took several times of us asking, but Gideon made a plate and joined. His wife then made a plate for the youngest daughter, Sharon (she is a wild one, reminds me of Kameryn :)) and we chatted while we ate. But first, they watched our reaction as we tried each of the new foods. If you have seen the movie, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, (I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet!) it was reminiscent to a scene where a guest goes to the home of a staff member and everyone is anxiously awaiting her approval of the food she was presented. It was very sweet and we had a nice time. Pretty neat first for us. We are so thankful to have Gideon as our first point of contact here in Chennai.
And our flat should be ready for move in Friday/Saturday of this week. A few days behind schedule, but probably better so we do not have to pull Savannah out of school for a day and we are still looking for help that can stay overnight with her while I work. Hoping to firm that up pretty quickly. Once we get in, I will post some pics. It's really lovely and the landlord has been very kind working with us and our crazy American ways. We are blessed.
Hugs and love and thanking you for your continued prayers as we miss you all so much!